Staff Directory

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Park City Municipal Corporation
445 Marsac
P.O. Box 1480
Park City, UT 84060

For general information call: (435)615-5000
or email:

For Spanish speakers, please click this link.

Potter, BarryFleet ManagerPublic Works(435) 615-5341
Rangel, BaldomeroBuilding Maintenance II Recreation(435) 615-5401
Root, AnnieHR Business PartnerHuman Resources(435) 615-5243
Smith, AnnaAccounting Clerk IIFinance(435) 615-5221
Maki , AnnaAssociate Transportation PlannerTransportation and Planning(435) 671-2385
Hall, AnnaLandscaperParks(435) 615-5638
Dohanos, AngelaCataloging LibrarianLibrary(435) 615-5612
Neacsu, AndreiShift SuervisorTransit Bus(435) 615-5358
Villarreal, AmyHR GeneralistHuman Resources(435) 615-5242
Mitchell, AndreaSystems AdministratorInformation Technology(801) 201-8778
Angevine, AmandaIce Arena General ManagerICE, Ice Arena & Sports Complex(435) 615-5706
Roy, AlexSenior Transportation PlannerTransportation and Planning(435) 615-5314
Juarez, AdrianeLibrary DirectorLibrary(435) 615-5605
Underwood, AdamHuman Resources Business PartnerHuman Resources(435) 731-6471
Trammell, Aaron Associate Building InspectorBuilding(435) 640-3151
Archie, AaronSpecial Events CoordinatorSpecial Events(435) 615-5197
Stockley, CindyTransportationTransit Bus(435) 615-5345
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