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Park Silly Sunday Market
Sundays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; July 13, 20; August 31; September 7, 14, 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Park Silly Sunday Market will be held on lower Main Street (between Heber Avenue and 9th Street) on the days listed above. The market is free and open to the public and occurs from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with vendors, live music, and various non-profits.
More information regarding the Park Silly Sunday Market's happenings can be found here.
Ride Park City's free transit system from Park City High School and Richardson Flat to get to Main Street. Transit goes through the High School every 10 minutes and through Richardson Flat every 40 minutes. If taking transit look for the Silver Route at Richardson Flat, and the Red or Yellow Routes at the High School. More information regarding transit routes can be found here.
Special Event Parking Rates will be posted in May. The best way to access public parking and avoid traffic is to take Deer Valley Drive through the roundabout to Marsac Avenue to the Top of China Bridge parking structure. There are also other private parking structures throughout the Main Street area with various payment structures and regulations.
Employees with permits should park in Flagpole, Gateway (accessed from Swede Alley) or North Marsac (accessed from Marsac Avenue) to allow additional visitor parking in China Bridge parking structure.
Resident Access Passes will be required on Hillside Avenue. Additional mitigation will be in place to reduce traffic in residential areas. Please do not cut through Park Avenue or Hillside to access Main Street. More information about resident access passes can be found on the community information page.