Park City, UT
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Park City Recreation manages several sports fields in town, including the Park City Sports Complex. Fields are available for reservation for your athletic competition or family gathering. Please visit our Sports Fields page for more information.
Pavilions are available at City Park and Rotary Park for reservation beginning on March 15 of each year. More information can be found on our Pavilion Rentals page. To reserve a park pavilion click here.
Please note that all parks owned, operated or maintained by Park City Municipal Corporation are closed from 2:00am - 6:00am daily.
Summer Program Registration
Are you ready to PLAY?
Wilderness First Aid Certification (WFA) Course
Certification provided by S.O.L.O Instructor
Recreation Advisory Board Openings
Apply today and help shape the future of recreation in Park City!
Learn to Juggle
Clown around with us on Clown Day!