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Building Permit Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need a Building Permit?
You will need a building permit unless the work is exempt in accordance with the International Building Code Sec. 105.2 or the International Residential Code Sec. 105.2. Examples of exempt work are carpeting, painting, wallpapering, cabinets, counter tops, etc. In general, any drywall work will require a permit. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us! Call us at (435) 615-5101 or EMAIL
Other Park City Community Development permits or approvals:
- Business License - businesses within Park City limits require a business license.
- Operational Permits - for fire sprinklers, alarms, and other suppression systems.
- Engineering Permits - for work within the public right-of-way, including utilities, drainage, and grading.
- Planning Department Applications - work in the Historic District and Conditional Use Permits (CUP).
- Nightly Rental License - required for any property that rents for less than 30 days.
How are permit fees determined?
Building Permit fees are based on the total building valuation of construction for materials and labor and are calculated in accordance with the Park City's Municipal Code, Fee Schedule.
When applicable, separate impact fees are determined in accordance with the Park City's Municipal Code, Title 11, Chapter 13.
How do you get a permit?
1. Start a permit application through City Inspect.
New users, see How to Register for City Inspect and click HERE to register.
- How To Apply for a Building Permit - for most permit types
- How To Apply for an Operational Permit - for operational (fire) permits
2. Upload documents required for your permit type, scope of work and project location, into the permit application you created in City Inspect.
- Click HERE to see the minimum submittal requirements for new structures.
- We will review the submittal for completeness before beginning the plan review process.
3. Once a permit application is accepted, the following generally describes our plan review process:
- The types of plan review assigned to your application will depend on several factors, such as, the permit type, scope of work and project location. Typical plan reviews for new construction and additions:
Building - reviews the design of the building, including structural, trades, and Wildland Urban Interface.
Fire Safety - reviews fire sprinklers, alarms, and other suppression systems, emergency lighting and evacuation plans.
Community Code Compliance - reviews Construction Mitigation Plan, Limits of Disturbance, and Erosion Control.
Engineering - reviews work within the public right-of-way, utilities, drainage, and grading.
Planning - reviews plans for compliance with zoning regulations, such as setbacks, building height, design, and if applicable, building pad limits.
- When all initial reviews are done, the applicant will receive an approval or conditional approval notification from each assigned plan review.
- The plan review process is complete when all reviews are signed off and approved.
4. Get your permit!
- Pay the permit fees through the Finance Department; then provide proof of payment to the Building Department.
- Finally, print your approved plans and permit from the City Inspect program.
My permit is issued, what's next?
- Review the Conditional Approval and Deferred Submittal Items form that is attached to your Approved plan set. Submit all items indicating they be submitted before scheduling a Limits of Disturbance (LOD) inspection.
- Schedule an LOD inspection and schedule a Pre-Construction meeting through the Building Department (435) 615-5101.
- With a passing LOD inspection, construction can begin.
- See Building Inspections FAQ's page to schedule inspections.
Other helpful webpages and information
- Click HERE for Park City boundary map.
- Click HERE for current list of Park City Partial and Full Road Closures.
- Building Inspection Process Guide
- Limits of Disturbance (LOD) Inspection Guide
- If work extends beyond the permit expiration date, see Permit Extension Request Form.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance please call 435-615-5101 or EMAIL us.