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Film Permits
For filming in the city, there are steps you will need to take to obtain a filming or photography permit. We understand that every shoot is unique and are here to work with you through our process. The more information we have about your film shoot, the better we can assist you and your requests. We encourage you to reach out to us before beginning the Application process so we can help guide you. If you have questions regarding filming in Park City, please contact Rachel Roadfuss at or 435.615.5187. Please note that a complete application and scope is required at minimum 21 days in advance to the first day of filming.
Application Process
- Step 1 - Fill out a Filming Permit Pre-Application
- Step 2 - After preliminary approval from the Special Events Department, submit a Filming Permit Application complete with supplemental materials and required insurance
- Step 3 - Evaluation of application and meeting to discuss filming details
- Step 4 - Permit issuance
- Step 5 - The Special Events Department will go through the debrief process and send an invoice
A complete application and written scope outlining all parameters of the request is required no later than 21 days in advance of the first date of filming. Failure to submit a complete application and/or submission of that application outside of the required time frame may delay the approval process. Please note: application submission does not guarantee approval.
A complete application must include the following:
- Filming Permit Pre-Application
- Filming Permit Application and Application Fee ($80)
- Hold Harmless and Indemnification Form
- Certificate of Insurance, as determined by the City Attorney's office
- Operation Plans and Timeline
- Detailed site map of planned exterior shots and activities
- Permission letters from residents, businesses, and/or landowners surrounding or involved in your filming request
Post Filming and Clean Up
The permittee shall conduct operations in an orderly fashion with continuous attention to the storage of equipment not in use, as well as the cleanup of trash and debris. The area used shall be cleaned upon completion of shooting and restored to the original condition before leaving the site. If the permittee fails to restore the scene to its original condition, the City reserves the right to clean and restore the scene and then charge the permittee for all associated costs.