Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Here is a list of frequently asked questions relating to affordable housing in Park City.

If you can't find the information you're looking for here or elsewhere on the website, please direct general inquiries to Housing Program Administrator Rhoda Stauffer at 435-615-5152 or at

How can I buy an affordable housing unit?
How can I rent an affordable housing unit?
How do I find out about seasonal housing opportunities?
How do I qualify to buy or rent an affordable housing unit?
What is the difference between a pre-application and a full application for affordable housing?
What documents will I need to apply for affordable housing in Park City?
Why is Park City building affordable housing?
Who lives in affordable housing in Park City?
What is the difference between "affordable" and "attainable" housing in Park City?
What is a deed restriction?
How does Park City select development partners for public-private partnerships?
How can I support affordable housing in the community?