Park City, UT
Home MenuOperational Fire Permits and Inspections
Required Operational Fire Permits and Fees
Operational Fire Permit Processing Fee - $20.00
This applies to all Operational Fire Permits
LPG (Propane) heaters, fire pits, grills, and devices, up to 5 each - $55.00
LPG permit requirements do not apply to residential uses.
LPG (Propane) heaters, fire pits, grills, and devices, each additional device over 5 - $11.00
Food Trucks Using Propane - $55.00 | Food Trucks Using Generators - $15.00 each
Food trucks must have a current State Fire Marshal Food Truck Annual Inspection sticker to operate. This inspection is performed by the local fire district where the food truck is based. The sticker is placed by the door of the truck.
Tents, & Air-Supported Structures Over 400 Square Feet, & Temporary Structures - $.20 per square foot
Domes, Alpen globes, & sheds are examples of temporary structures. Bounce houses and air-inflated arches are examples of air-supported structures.
Tents, & Air-Supported Structures Over 400 Square Feet, & Temporary Structures - $.13 per square foot
With approved plans already on file with the Building Department.
Stages, Platforms, Trusses, Generators, Trailers, Bleachers - $15.00 each
Temporary Builds- $15.00 each
Self-supporting or attached walls (includes step & repeats), build-outs over walls, displays, counters, seating areas, pergolas, etc. Both indoor and outdoor uses.
Candles and Open Flames in Assembly Areas - $50.00
Assembly areas are defined as the use of a building, structure, or space for purposes such as civic, social, or religious functions, recreation, food, or drink consumption; or awaiting transportation.
Vehicles Within an Assembly Building, Liquid or Gas Fueled - $130.00
Open Burning and Prescribed Burns - $50.00
Open burning is the burning of construction or vegetative debris and bonfires not contained in a portable outdoor fireplace, BBQ grill, or pit where the total fuel area (pile) is greater than 3 feet in diameter & 2 feet in height. Prescribed burns are large-scale fire mitigation operations facilitated through land managers. Residential general burning is considered Open Burning.
Fireworks Displays - $150.00
Fireworks displays are defined as firework exhibitions (shows) for public or private gatherings.
Fireworks Sales - $75.00
Please call (435) 615-5101 for any of the operations listed below:
Explosives or Blasting Agents - $150.00
Aircraft Refueling Vehicles - $30.00
Welding (Hot Work) - $15.00
Hot Work conducted under a construction permit is exempt from the operational fire permit requirement.
Download this information in a printable PDF here.
Operational Fire Permit Application Requirements
This guide will help you understand what information must be included in your fire permit application. Once your permit is issued, you can schedule the inspection. Please be sure to read the conditions of approval in the issued permit to understand what will be required on-site to pass inspection. You can also find general inspection information in the ‘Passing the Operational Fire Permit Inspection’ tab below.
Don't forget to schedule the inspection! Call 435-615-5101
Floor Plans - Always Required
Floor plans show interior of tents, buildings & spaces with all the design elements. Include number of occupants, square footage, furniture set up, exits, exit signs, aisleways, fire extinguishers, exit signs, stages, temporary builds, and any other pertinent details.
Site Plans - Always Required
Site Plans are an exterior overhead view of the location where event will take place. They should show locations of existing buildings, lot/property lines, sidewalks, streets, tents, temporary structures, air-inflated structures, temporary bathrooms, trailers, food trucks, generators, fire extinguishers, LPG (propane) storage areas, heaters, fire pits, and any other pertinent details.
LPG (Propane) Heaters, Fire Pits, Grills, & Devices
- Upload the Site Plan as described above including the locations of the heaters. Also include the locations of the 2A10BC fire extinguishers, total number of LPG devices, and the numbers and locations of back up LPG (propane) tanks.
- Back-up LPG tanks must be stored outside in a tamper-proof location, at least 10 feet or more from exits and exit pathways, and not in buildings, pits, basements, garages, or near adjacent buildings, property lines, sidewalks, or streets.
- Upload manufacturer’s information or specification sheet showing operating instructions and that devices are listed and labeled by an accredited agency for the intended use. Unlisted devices cannot be used.
Food Trucks Using LPG (Propane and/or Generators)
- While the food truck does not require a fire permit, the use of liquid petroleum gas and/or generators does.
- Food trucks are regulated by the UT State Fire Marshal’s Office and require an annual fire inspection. The fire inspector hangs the yellow tag showing compliance inside the food truck.
- Please upload pictures of the current, yellow UT State Fire Marshal Annual Inspection tag(s)for each food truck into City Inspect.
- Food trucks without the required sticker will not be allowed to operate in Park City.
Tents Air Supported Structures Larger Than 400 Square Feet (bounce houses, air inflated arches, & domes, etc.) & Temporary Structures
- Upload Floor Plan as described above. Be sure to include the total number of occupants. 2A10BC fire extinguishers with current tags are always required, please show their locations.
- Upload the Site Plan as described above.
- Provide the total number of tents, temporary structures, and their square footages.
- Upload the manufacturer’s specification sheet/structural engineering plans stamped by a licensed UT engineer.
- Upload proof the tent or air inflated structure membrane meets flame spread requirements of NFPA 701 or ASTME E84.See the heading with the asterisk below for more information.
- Information as to how the structure(s) will be staked or weighted down may be required. If so, include the number of contact points, types of stakes or snow augers, and/or types of weights and number of pounds used at each contact point. This can be included on the site plan.
- An Administrative Conditional Use Permit/CUP may be required by the Planning Department. Administrative CUP’s take a minimum of 10 days to process. Call (435) 615-5060 to speak with a Planner.
- Some temporary structures may require engineered snow and wind loading calculations stamped by a licensed UT architect to be uploaded.
- Provide a Snow Removal Plan to prevent collapse and provide area for snow storage.
Candles and Open Flames in Assembly Spaces
- A meeting with the Fire Marshal to test the proposed candles & candle holders/open flame devices, etc. is required. Please call (435) 615-5101 to schedule.
- Upload the approval letter from the Fire Marshal and provide the total number of candles/devices that will be used. Only the approved candle holders & open flame devices will be allowed.
- Upload the Floor Plan as described above including the locations of the candle holders/open flame devices.
- Battery Operated candles are always allowed!
Stages & Platforms
- Application for 1.3 G fireworks to be submitted by a UT licensed pyrotechnician.
- Upload diagram showing the entire location, including fireworks discharge site, distance to and locations of buildings, highways, roads, overhead obstructions, utilities, and the line behind which the audience will be located.
- Upload the Public Safety Plan.
Fireworks Sales
- Upload a Floor Plan as described above for Indoor stages and platforms showing walking path widths & distances to exits.
- Upload a Site Plan as described above showing location of stage for outdoor stages and platforms.
- If higher than 18”, upload structural engineering plans stamped by a licensed UT engineer.
- Describe how a metal outdoor stage or platform will be grounded. Will the use of electricity on stage require bonding?
- If the stage or platform will be built to suit, upload construction drawings clearly describing all elements of the build and how they are put together. Show all dimensions, members, connection points, and connectors used. Depending on the size and use, a stamp from a UT licensed design professional may be required.
- If occupied by the public, upload a Design Occupant Load (DOL) stamped by a UT licensed design professional.
Trusses/Light Trusses
- Upload site plan or floor plan as described above showing location of truss.
- Upload structural engineering stamped by a UT licensed engineer.
- What are the dimensions of the truss? What will it support, and what will those items weigh?
Temporary Builds – Including, but not limited to - self-supporting or attached walls (includes step & repeats), build outs over walls, displays, counters, seating areas, pergolas, etc. Both indoor and outdoor uses
- Upload Floor Plan or Site Plan (or both) as described above including the locations of temp builds.
- Upload construction drawings clearly describing all elements of the build and how they are put together. Show all dimensions, members, connection points and connectors used. Depending on the size and use, a stamp from a UT licensed design professional may be required.
- All temporary builds cannot block fire sprinkler heads. The finished height of builds must be a minimum of 18” below the bottom of all sprinkler heads.
- Temporary walls of any kind (including step & repeats) over 69 inches high will require the construction drawings to be stamped by a UT licensed design professional per the International Building Code.
- Upload a Site Plan showing placement of the generator.
- Upload generator manufacturer’s information or specification sheet showing operating instructions and that equipment is listed and labeled by an accredited agency. Unlisted devices cannot be used.
- Describe how generator will be grounded if you are not using regular plug-in devices.
Trailers & Bleachers
- Upload a Site Plan as described above, including the trailer placement and/or bleachers.
- Provide description of how the trailer will be used.
- Upload bleacher engineering stamped by a licensed UT architect.
Theatrical Smoke
- Upload a Floor Plan as described above including the location of the smoke machine.
- Upload SDS Sheets (Formerly MSDS) for the smoke solution that will be used.
- Upload manufacturer’s specifications for the operation of the machine and use of the smoke solution.
Open Burning & Prescribed Burns
- No open burning is allowed within Park City, City limits when a fire prohibition is in place.
- An application must also be submitted to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The air-clearing index must be above 500. Depending on the burning activity, there are two different web pages and forms:
- For general residential burning, access the online application using the Regulations for Residential Open Burning link through the UT DEQ.
- For prescribed burns through land managers, use the Smoke Management Program link through the UT DEQ to access the web portal.
- Complete the Summit County Prescribed Burn Disclosure form and upload it into City Inspect. This form will automatically notify all local authorities of your burn activity dates.
- Upload Site Plan showing areas(s) to be burned and approximate the square footage of burn areas.
- For prescribed burns, upload the burn plan.
- For open burning, provide information regarding burn supervision and fire suppression plans.
Fireworks Displays (Shows)
- Application for 1.3 G fireworks to be submitted by a UT licensed pyrotechnician.
- Upload diagram showing the entire location, including fireworks discharge site, distance to and locations of buildings, highways, roads, overhead obstructions, utilities, and the line behind which the audience will be located.
- Upload the Public Safety Plan.
Fireworks Sales
- Upload Floor Plan as described above showing location of fireworks on display and in storage with distances to exits, fire extinguishers, and any flammable or combustible liquids or gases.
- Provide the total weight in pounds of fireworks on display and in storage.
- Review the UT State Fire Marshal Fireworks page for more information. The Fireworks Inspection link at the bottom of this page contains straightforward illustrations of the requirements.
*Flame & Smoke Spread Requirements for Tent & Air Supported Structure Membranes, Pipe & Drape, Wall Coverings & Hangings, Step & Repeats, etc. & the Requirements for Approved Fire-Retardant Fabrics & Coatings
While the fabrics and décor you choose for the event do not require a permit, the materials used must meet NFPA Standard 701 or ASTM E84. Some fabrics are manufactured as flame resistant and come with documentation. Please upload this information into the fire permit. Compliance with the standards will be field verified. Any décor that is non-compliant must be removed from the event site.
Flame Spread Certificates (AKA Technical Data Sheet)
- Come from the manufacturer of the textile designed as flame retardant.
- Must meet NFPA 701 or ASTM E84.
Smoke Developed Index
- This information also comes from the manufacturer. It may be included in the Flame Spread Certification or on a separate document.
- Smoke developed index must be 25? or below.
Fire Retardant Coatings – applied after purchase
- We require a signed affidavit from the person who applied the coating. The affidavit must state: the name of the person who applied the coating, the name and product number of the coating used, the item(s) the coating was applied to, address where the items are in use, the date the coatings were applied, and a statement that they followed the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Materials of a flammable character cannot be used.
- There are coatings for natural fibers (cotton, wool, etc.) and coatings for man-made materials (polyester, microfiber, etc.).
- All coatings must meet NFPA 701 or ASTM E84 requirements – the cans will be marked.
- Combustible wall and ceiling surfaces (wood, etc.) must be treated with a fire-retardant coating that meets NFPA 703 – the cans will be marked.
Download this information in a printable PDF here.
STEP 1: All permits are submitted through City Inspect.
- If you have not used City Inspect before, you will need to create an account (register) with City Inspect first.Go to the Building Department’s Main Page and click the link provided at the bottom of the page to create an account and see How to Register for City Inspect.
- Go to one of the following:
- Park City’s City Inspect login page,
- Building Department’s main page and click the City Inspect link provided at the bottom of the page and login.
STEP 2: Click on “Apply for a Permit” at the top right of the next screen.
STEP 3: Click “New Application."
STEP 4: On the first age of the application:
- In the “Permit Type” field, choose “Fire Permit.”
- You can add “Contacts” to the permit, but the people you add must have their own City Inspect account to receive automated emails.
- In the “Property Address” field, enter the location address and unit number.
- In the “Description” field, enter the basic details. Please keep it brief: “Sundance 2025” or “Smith Wedding” and describe permitted items, “Tent, stage & heaters.”
- Click “Continue."
STEP 5: On the second page of the application:
- Skip this page of the permit application (it does not apply to this permit type) by clicking “Continue.”
STEP 6: On the “Permit Files” page, you will need to enter the details specific to your event:
- Any items with an asterisk (*) require information to be provided:
- Name of event
- Date(s) of event
- Floor Plan (upload)
- Site Plan (upload)
Applications without this basic information will be rejected.
- Enter or upload information in the fields that specifically apply to your permitting needs.
- Upload documents by clicking the blue “+upload…” icon to the right of the category.
- All boxes must be checked (even if the item does not apply to your permit).
- Click the “Submit Permit” button.
STEP 7: The first review is typically completed in 2 – 3 business days
- Check your email for questions about your submittal and/or approval and payment instructions.
Download this information in a printable PDF here.
STEP 1: All inspections are scheduled through City Inspect. Go to one of the following:
- Park City’s City Inspect login page,
- Building Department’s main page and click the City Inspect link provided at the bottom of the page and login.
STEP 2: Click the applicable permit number located in the “permit details” column and then click on “request inspection."
STEP 3: Click next to “When to Inspect” at the top right and select the desired date in the drop- down calendar and select A.M. or P.M. For type of inspection, click the small grey box to the left of each type of desired inspection (i.e. fire inspection or final). Click on “request."
STEP 4: You will receive a confirmation email. However, you can also click on your permit number on the main page to verify your scheduled inspection. The confirmation will specify an assigned inspector. Please keep in mind that schedules may be adjusted so please check your account the morning of your scheduled date to verify which inspector has been officially assigned to your inspection.
STEP 5: You will be able to view all inspections attached to your permits. The inspection requests will be shown as, “requested [date scheduled]."
Full how-to document available to download here.
Passing the Final Operational Fire Permit Inspection
You are not permitted to operate until you have passed the final inspection. This list is not all-inclusive of requirements but addresses the most common violations. Please ensure you understand any additional Conditions of Approval listed in your Operational Fire Permit.
Don't forget to schedule the inspection! Call 435-615-5101
Electrical Cords & Trip Hazards
- Cords and electrical cords running through walking areas must be covered by cord ramps.
- Electrical cords cannot run through doorways, walls, windows, etc.
- Any possible trip hazards must be mitigated.
LPG (Propane) Heaters, Fire Pits, Grills & Devices
- Heaters are set up according to approved Site Plan matching number of heaters and their placement regarding buildings, awnings, port a cocheres, any combustibles, and Public Right of Way.
- Equipment must be marked as listed and labeled by an accredited agency for the intended use. The equipment must have the label on it. Equipment not listed and labeled must be removed.
- Back-up LPG tanks are stored according to the approved Site Plan, in a tamper-proof location, not near exits, in Public Right of Way, or pits, basements, or garages.
Tents, Air Supported Structures Larger Than 400 Square Feet (bounce houses, air-inflated arches, & domes, etc.) & Temporary Structures
- Tents & temporary structures must be set up according to the approved Site Plan, Floor Plan, and spec sheet/engineering.
- Required exit signs must be fully illuminated and working on back-up emergency power.
- Exits and paths of travel must be kept clear inside and outside of tent or structure.
- Tents and some structures must be properly weighted (if tent stakes cannot be used at your site) per the spec sheet/engineering.
- Current & tagged minimum-sized 2A10BC fire extinguishers must be hung according to the tent or structure Floor Plan.
- Blower motors for bounce houses & air-supported structures require 1 each, current & tagged minimum-sized 2A10BC fire extinguisher for each motor.
- Snow must be kept clear of tents and placed according to the approved Snow Removal Agreement.
Candles & Open Flames in Assembly Spaces
- A fire permit for the devices must first be issued prior to the event.
- Only the approved devices can be used.
- Devices must be placed according to the Floor Plans. None allowed in exits, halls, stairways, doorways, etc.
- All fire extinguishers within the space must be current & tagged minimum-sized 2A10BC.
- Please check the Conditions of Approval within the permit to understand if additional, current & tagged minimum-sized 2A10BC fire extinguishers are required.
Stages & Platforms
- Outdoor Stages Platforms must be set up according to the approved Site Plan (and Design Occupant Load, DOL if occupied by public).
- Indoor Stages must be set up according to Floor Plan and DOL. Exits and walking paths cannot be impacted.
- Structure must be fully supported as outlined in the approved structural engineering plans.
- Electrical bonding &/or grounding must be verified.
Trusses/Light Trusses
- Trusses must be installed according to the approved structural engineering plans.
- All lights and anything hanging from the truss(es) require individual safety cables where there is only one point of connection.
Temporary Builds
- Must be constructed according to the approved construction plans on file in the permit.
- Any spaces created between existing walls and build-outs over the walls (AKA furring-out) require fire blocking.
- Placement cannot block exits, exit signs, paths of egress, fire extinguishers, etc.
- Top of walls/structures must be a minimum of 18” measured vertically below the bottom of all sprinkler heads. No exceptions.
- Generator is set up according to the approved Site Plan.
- Generator is fenced off with temporary fencing to prevent unauthorized access.
- 1 each, current & tagged minimum-sized 2A10BC fire extinguisher is located 10 feet from generator.
- Gasoline is not stored near Public Right of Way, or near generator.
- Generator is not refueled while it’s running, warm, or public is present.
- If required, the Electrical Permit must pass final Building Inspection prior to Operational Fire inspection.
Trailers & Bleachers
- Trailer is set up according to the approved Site Plan.
- Chock blocks designed to be used for preventing the movement of traveling wheels, are in place.
- Rocks, 2x4s, pieces of wood, etc. are not acceptable chock blocks.
Food Trucks
- The required, current Utah State Fire Marshal Office Inspection sticker from the jurisdiction where the food truck originates from will be verified (yellow sticker inside the truck by the door).
- Food trucks without a current State Fire Marshal Annual Fire Inspection Sticker will not be allowed to operate.
- The food truck must be located according to the approved Site Plan with a minimum distance of 10 feet from structures, other vehicles, and any combustible materials.
- Fire Department access, fire hydrants, & Public Right of Way are not blocked.
- See LPG & Generator sections for specific details associated with those uses.
Theatrical Smoke
- Smoke machine must be set up according to the approved Floor Plan.
- SDS Sheets (Formerly MSDS) for the approved smoke solution must be on site.
- Smoke shall not obstruct or obscure exit and emergency lighting.
Open Burning & Prescribed Burns
- No open burning is allowed within Park City, City limits when a fire prohibition is in place.
- Operational Fire Permit has been approved and paid for, and the final inspection is scheduled for before the burn takes place.
- All conditions outlined in the application and any Conditions of Approval placed by the Fire Marshal on the permit have been met.
- Fire suppression elements are in place as described in the application and/or the conditions of approval.
Fireworks Sales
- Fireworks match the type and amount approved.
- All conditions on the UT State Fire Marshal Fireworks Retail Inspection Form must be met. This document will be provided in the permit Conditions of Approval and will be clearly marked showing what is applicable.
- Please call (435) 615-5101 for more information.
*Flame & Smoke Spread Requirements for Tent & Air Supported Structure Membranes, Pipe & Drape, Wall Coverings & Hangings, Step & Repeats, etc. & the Requirements for Approved Fire-Retardant Fabrics & Coatings
While the fabrics and décor do not require a permit, the materials used must meet NFPA Standard 701 or ASTM E84. If information is not uploaded into the fire permit, compliance with the standards must be field verified. Be sure to have the documentation and/or tags available for inspection. Any décor that is non-compliant must be removed from the site.
Flame Spread Certificates (AKA Technical Data Sheet)
- Come from the manufacturer of the textile designed as flame retardant.
- Must meet NFPA 701 or ASTM E84.
Smoke Developed Index
- This information also comes from the manufacturer. It may be included in the Flame Spread Certification or on a separate document.
- Smoke developed index must be 25 or below.
Fire Retardant Coatings – applied after purchase
- We require a signed affidavit from the person who applied the coating. The affidavit must state: the name of the person who applied the coating, the name and product number of the coating used, the item(s) the coating was applied to, address where the items are in use, the date the coatings were applied, and a statement that they followed the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Materials of a flammable character cannot be used.
- There are coatings for natural fibers (cotton, wool, etc.) and coatings for man-made materials (polyester, microfiber, etc.).
- All coatings must meet NFPA 701 or ASTM E84 requirements – the cans will be marked.
- Combustible wall and ceiling surfaces (wood, etc.) must be treated with a fire-retardant coating that meets NFPA 703 – the cans will be marked.
Download this information in a printable PDF here.
For fire code and inspection related questions, contact:
Cherie Wellmon, Fire Marshal
435-615-5108 |
Building Department
435-615-5101 |
Click HERE for 2023 Holidays when the office is closed.
Other helpful webpages and information
- Click HERE for Park City boundary map.
- Annual Commercial Fire Inspection Checklist
- Fire Evacuation and Safety Plan Checklist per 2018 IFC.
- Park City Fire District
- Special Event's page
- Sundance Film Festival page
- Wasatch County Fire
- Wildland Urban Interface Code (WUI) page - see also Municipal Code Sec. 11-21
- Wildland Urban Interface Code Guide - to help navigate the requirements.
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