Clark Ranch

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The Clark Ranch site is located west Park City, nestled between the Park City Heights development and US-40 in steep, vegetated terrain.  

Clark Ranch Affordable & Community Housing Development Request For Proposals Closed

Clark Ranch is approximately 12 acres located along US-40 in the Quinn’s Junction area near Park City Heights. The property is currently undeveloped open space and has been identified as a location for affordable housing since 2016.

Park City Municipal Corp. issued a request for proposals (RFP) for affordable and community housing development at Clark Ranch in March 2024. The RFP submission period closed on Friday, April 12, 2024.

The Housing staff project manager for Clark Ranch is Sara Wineman, For further information about Clark Ranch, visit the Engage Park City webpage or download this one-page fact sheet.

Feasibility Study

Park City Municipal worked with consultant group Stereotomic to develop a feasibility study for the Clark Ranch site to help the City determine the best use for the area. The study evaluated potential future uses of the Clark Ranch property, including affordable housing or City services, and included site analysis, evaluation of potential site density and draft design concepts. The study targeted the site’s carrying capacity at between 90 and 275 housing units.

The feasibility study began after the City issued a request for proposals for Land Surveying and Consultant Services in November 2022. The study was funded and budgeted as CP0566 Clark Ranch Housing in the Affordable Housing Department fund, and the revenue source is 2019 Sales Tax Bond Proceeds.

Site Background

In 2014, Park City purchased 344 acres of property known as Clark Ranch, located along US-40 in the Quinn’s Junction area in proximity to Park City Heights, Utah Film Studios, Park City Hospital, and the National Ability Center.

In 2016, the Citizens Open Space Advisory Committee (“COSAC”) recommended to City Council parameters and values of the proposed preservation of the Clark Ranch properties. The Committee unanimously recommended that up to 10 acres in the northwest corner of the parcel adjacent to Park City Heights be excluded from the proposed conservation easement for senior or affordable housing and/or essential services, such as a fire station. The Property was annexed into Park City in 2022.

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