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Neighborhoods First Streets Program
Park City's Neighborhoods First Streets Program
Traffic in neighborhoods impacts the quality of life for residents, bicycles, pedestrians, as well as drivers. Throughout Park City, residents are asking the City to reduce speeding traffic in their neighborhoods. For this reason, Neighborhoods First Streets Program (NFSP) was created. Through education, engineering, and enforcement the goal of calmer, safer streets is achievable.
Neighborhoods First Program Goals
- Enhance neighborhood livability and safety by reducing speeding traffic.
- Involve residents and businesses in addressing traffic issues.
- Use clear evidence and documented processes to evaluate and implement traffic calming solutions and measure impacts (i.e., impacts to traffic diversion).
- Incorporate public safety and emergency response interests.
- Improve compliance with posted speed limits, stop signs, and other traffic control devices.
- Educate residents and businesses about available traffic safety measures.
- Balance the transportation needs of the various land uses in and around neighborhoods; and
- Ensure consistency with previously approved Council policy: Complete Streets.
Let’s work together to put Neighborhoods First!
- Submit a request through the Neighborhoods First portal here.
- Search the status of a submitted request here.
Speed Limit Reduction Program
The City Council had a robust discussion during their 9/15 meeting regarding approaches to lowering speed limits within Park City. This would not impact State Routes 224 and 248. There was strong support for a consistent, lower speed limit across town with ideas between 15 mph and 25 mph proposed.
There was also an option presented of considering certain roads for a higher speed limit on a case-by-case basis and a question of what features on those roads would support (i.e.; commercial districts, no crosswalks, width, on-street parking, driveways, etc.)
As a result of the analysis and Council direction, the Engineering Team recommended a three-tiered speed limit classification system based upon the goal of improving safety and the quality of life for residents on the streets where they live. The City Engineer presented these recommended changes to the City Council at the 10/6 Council meeting, which were approved by City Council. Please find the staff report here. View a map of approved speed limit reductions here. View the complete street-by-street list of speed limit recommendations here.
The following speed-limit reduction recommendations were based on a review of the existing roadway network, resident feedback, and several professional transportation studies:
- Lower the posted speed limit on most roadways within Park City’s Historic District (HD), except Swede Alley and a section of Park Avenue, from 20 MPH down to 15 MPH;
- Lower the posted speed limit on roadways defined as ‘Minor Collectors’ from 25 to 20 MPH; and
- Maintain the current posted 25 MPH speed limit on roads defined as ‘Major Collectors’
Concerns related to the new speed limits can be submitted to the Neighborhood’s First Streets program. Speed and roadway geometric data will be collected, analyzed, and recommendations related to traffic calming will be evaluated.