Staff Directory

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Park City Municipal Corporation
445 Marsac
P.O. Box 1480
Park City, UT 84060

For general information call: (435)615-5000
or email:

For Spanish speakers, please click this link.

Madsen , KaraVictim AdvocatePolice(435) 615-5575
Snelson, DanielleSergeantPolice(435) 615-5568
Allinson, CoreySergeantPolice(435) 615-5553
Lealaitafea, VaiLieutenantPolice(435) 615-5552
McKinney, RobCaptainPolice(435) 615-5543
Zachary, NakaishiSergeantPolice(435) 615-5519
Little, DarwinCaptainPolice(435) 615-5515
Nagel, TimothyPolice RecordsPolice(435) 615-5507
Blake, WendyPolice Records ClerkPolice(435) 615-5506
Carpenter, WadeChief of PolicePolice(435) 615-5505
Jones, ChelseaExecutive Assistant to the Chief of PolicePolice(435) 615-5505
Johnston, ColeRecreation CoordinatorRecreation(435) 615-5451
Ingwaldson, DanicaTennis(435) 615-5429
Howerter, LaurenRecreation CoordinatorRecreation(435) 615-5420
Shaw, TateAssistant Recreation DirectorRecreation(435) 615-5418
Moran, JessicaRecreation Division ManagerRecreation(435) 615-5414
Rangel, EsmeraldaFront Desk Team LeaderRecreation(435) 615-5413
Fisher, KenRecreation DirectorRecreation(435) 615-5411
Todd, HeatherRecreation Division ManagerCemetery, Recreation(435) 615-5410
Tassainer, StranAquatics DirectorRecreation(435) 615-5409
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