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Park City Council Meeting Summary March 14, 2019
Affordable Housing Update
Staff presented an affordable housing update, specifically reviewing Area Median Income (AMI) qualifications and consideration of any potential changes, and whether or not essential public sector and City employees should be given priority in the housing lottery process. There was extensive discussion, with a request to follow up on the subject at a later date. Staff committed to return with additional information that will help to better define future definitions for improving and clarifying the City’s housing lottery qualifications.
Affordable Housing Update
Affordable Housing Staff Report
Deer Valley Drive/SR-224 Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project Update
Staff provided an update regarding the Deer Valley Drive/SR-224 pedestrian and bicycle improvement project. This project, which the City is working on in conjunction with UDOT, will reconfigure some of the right-of-ways, as well as increase bicycle lane width in order to broaden the multi-modal aspects of the roadway and improve safety for its users.
Deer Valley Drive Staff Report
Exhibit A: Preferred Alternative
Park City Municipal Website Redesign Project Status
Staff updated Council on the current status of the City’s website redesign, as they plan to do regularly throughout the enhancement process. At this time, one month into the project, staff has been provided with a wire-frame structure that characterizes the visual elements of the new site.
Website Redesign Update
Summer Day Camp Registration Discussion
An item previously discussed with Council, staff provided additional detail into the registration process and guidelines for summer day camp registration, and whether or not those who live in 84060 should be prioritized (which would require proof of residency). There was significant discussion among Council and City staff, and, given the short timeline, it was suggested to hold off on implementing any registration changes until next year’s sign-ups.
Summer Day Camp Staff Report
Exhibit A: Summer Day Camp Staff Communications Report
A Deer Valley Resort representative, alongside City staff and Council, discussed overflow parking issues seen at the resort during the 2018/19 ski season, and ways in which the issues could be mitigated and improved. Deer Valley is allotted a specific percentage of days where the resort can overflow its parking into the public right-of-way. The annual allotment has been exceeded this season, prompting the City to notify Deer Valley that additional public right of way overflow parking is not permitted until the resort returns to discuss this with the Park City Planning Commission.
Council approved the following items from the consent agenda:
- A five year sponsorship agreement with U.S. Ski and Snowboard (formerly, United States Ski and Snowboard Association). Renewing this long-term agreement would allow coaches, staff, and teams to train at PC MARC at no charge, and in return PC MARC is licensed to market the facility as an “Official Training Center of U.S. Ski and Snowboard.”
USSA Agreement 2019 Staff Report
- A Professional Service Contract with Cascadia Partners, LLC in an amount of $34,536 for consulting services and analysis for potential changes to the Land Management Code as it pertains to Affordable Housing Projects. Code changes were initially presented to Council in May 2018 with a focus on affordable housing and tools to promote the projects. City staff was asked to provide an economic model of these tools.
Affordable Housing Consulting Services Staff Report
Exhibit A: RFP - Land Management Code Changes - Affordable Housing Consulting ServicesExhibit B: Professional Services Agreement - Cascadia Partners
Council approved the following old business items:
- An Electric Service Requirements Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power (RMP), an unincorporated division of Pacificorp, and Park City Municipal Corporation (PCMC) for work to be done at 1875 Kearns Blvd in an amount of $52,566. This agreement will allow the power and site control to be relocated, and for upgrades in the facility office.
Rocky Mountain Power Agreement Staff Report
Exhibit A: RMP Agreement 1875 Kearns Blvd
Exhibit B: Utility Relocation Design
Exhibit C: RMP Agreement - 1884 Kearns Blvd
Exhibit D: Park City School District MOU
Exhibit E: Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation Engineering Services Agreement - A Construction Agreement with Stapp Construction, Inc. in an amount of $3,407,645 to provide construction for the SR-248 bicycle and pedestrian tunnel improvements. A net-zero project located near the high school crossing on SR-248, this will be funded through a Summit County transportation tax. This would allow for more efficient traffic flow and increased pedestrian safety on SR-248, where the High School and Seminary are located.
Pedestrian Tunnel Staff Report
Exhibit A: Rendering of Proposed Tunnel
Exhibit B: Recommended Construction Award
Exhibit C: Traffic Analysis
Exhibit D: Park City School District MOU
Council discussed the following old business items:
Local Parks Preservation Master Plan and the Protection of Local Parks
Staff and representatives from the Recreation Advisory Board presented the Local Park Preservation Master Plan to Council, with recommendation to add additional protection of local park space. There was discussion regarding which space is recommended to be preserved, as well as preservation guidelines and stipulations, and involving the City’s Planning department.
Parks Preservation Staff Report
Special Services Contracts:
Staff discussed with Council the Special Services Contracts, which had been discussed at a previous Council meeting. The intent is to give area non-profits time to reply to the RFP to allow the City to integrate contracts into this year’s budget process. There was a public hearing with representatives from area nonprofits. This item will return to Council in early April.
Special Service Contracts Staff Report
Innovation Grant Request for Application
2019 Legislative Update
Staff provided an update on the 2019 Legislative Session, which wrapped up on March 14. Here is the status of high-focus bills watched closely by City staff and Council members:
- Tax Equalization and Reduction Act, HB441: Has been tabled at this time and will be left alone, on a City/County level, until the interim session.
- Container Regulation Act, HB320: the bill continues to be circled and is unlikely to be brought up again.
- Community Renewable Energy Act, HB411: The bill was passed by committee, the House, and as of March 14 it passed the Senate 23-6 votes. From here, the bill will go to the Governor’s office.
- City Council: 3/21, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall
- Planning Commission: 3/27, 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
- Historic Preservation Meeting: 4/3, 5:00 p.m. at City Hall
- City Council: 4/4, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall
Interested in tuning in to listen to the 3/14 Council meeting in its entirety? Visit the following link to access audio from the meeting. Audio from Park City Council meetings is now offered with closed captioning.
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This is an unofficial summary of the meeting. To read the official minutes; please visit the meetings page on the city's website. Minutes are posted once they are approved.