Look Up. Stay Safe.
A community reminder to be aware of snow shedding and accumulation hazards
Park City, Utah (February 19, 2019) - The recent weather pattern of significant snowfall has created hazardous roof snow shed and accumulation conditions in the Park City area. We would like to remind residents and visitors to take extra precaution when walking near homes or buildings with sloped roofs and to monitor roofs for signs of stress.
Snow Shedding: Heavy snow and ice loads are common occurrences on rooftops this time of year. If not addressed, snow and ice shedding can cause significant injury. Cars parked under or near roof slopes are also at risk for damage from snow and ice shedding. Please remain aware of your surroundings and assist children and others to keep clear of snow and ice shed zones.
Snow Disposal: As a courtesy to neighbors and drivers, and in accordance with municipal code, residents are encouraged to maintain snow upon the property where it accumulated. If necessary, snow may be hauled off site and deposited on another property, with property owner permission.
Fire Hydrants & Gas Meters: Per municipal code, homeowners with fire hydrants on their properties are responsible for keeping fire hydrants clear at all times. Please ensure snow has been removed to reveal a three-foot space on all sides of the fire hydrant. Gas meters and gas lines should be regularly monitored for damage and kept clear of snow.
For questions or concerns about snow removal, please call or visit:
Park City Fire District: 435-940-2500, website
Park City Public Works: 435-615-5301, website
Summit County Public Works: 435-336-3200, website