Park City and Summit County Joint Transit Advisory Board
MEETING DATE: April 16, 2019
TIME: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
LOCATION: Park City Library - 1255 Park Avenue, Park City, UT. 84090. COMMUNITY ROOM, 3rd floor
I. Public Comment /Customer Feedback To allow time for others, please limit your comments to no more than five minutes per person. Comments made cannot be acted upon or discussed at this meeting, but may be placed on a future agenda for consideration.
II. Discussion Items
a. Roll call
b. Review and Acceptance of February, 2019 Meeting Minutes
c. February/March Ridership reports – including Ecker Hill detail
d. TSP updates
e. Spring/Summer 2019 Service Planning Change
f. 2018 & 2019 ‘Low No’ Grants
g. Planning Processes: STIP, formula grants calendar, timelines, update to SRTDP
h. Heber RFP update
III. Next Meeting
For those individuals with a disability who require a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting, please contact Alfred Knotts at (435) 615-5360 or alfred.knotts@parkcity.org or Caroline Rodriguez at 435.336.3113 or crodriguez@summitcounty.org
Utah Open Meeting Law Compliance Notice of this meeting has been given no less than 24 hours public notice of this meeting.