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Park City Council Meeting Summary May 29, 2019

Post Date:06/06/2019 10:56 AM




Discussion Regarding Central Wasatch Commission Funding
Representatives from the Central Wasatch Commission (CWC) joined City Council to provide a status update on the work that took place over the winter and since the CWC’s incorporation. The CWC is an intergovernmental entity that was created in an effort to implement sustainability, transportation, and land management and conservation strategies outlined in the Mountain Accord. There was extensive discussion regarding Park City’s role within the CWC and what that might look like in the future, especially as it pertains to funding.
2019 CWC Funding Request Staff Report
Attachment A: Financial Contributions Summary
Attachment B: CWC Staff Report - February 2019
Attachment C: CWC Staff Report - April 2019


Carbon Footprint Update – Transportation
City staff presented a carbon footprint update regarding Park City’s transportation carbon footprint from 2016-2018, and the impacts of introducing electric vehicle technology. Staff also discussed other City-owned vehicles, including those used by the Police Department, snow plows, and fleet vehicles for potential electrification. The report also shows which City departments use the most fuel. The number of employees who use alternative transportation at least one time per week has increased significantly (by 45%) since 2016.
Carbon Footprint Staff Report
Attachment A: Figures and Tables


2019 Sundance Film Festival Economic Impact and Operational Debrief
City staff and representatives from the Sundance Institute presented the 2019 Festival Economic Impact to Council. In addition to an economic impact report, staff also presented an analysis and debrief of this year’s event.

There were over 122,000 unique attendees at the 2019 Festival, with 43,550 visiting from out of state, and representing a wide variety of demographics and backgrounds. $18.7 million in local tax revenue was generated. There was further discussion regarding the perception of how many attendees there were, noting that at times it felt less crowded in Park City during the Festival than years past.

City staff reviewed the operations and mitigation efforts behind this year’s Festival, noting that with year-round collaboration with Sundance Institute, various City departments and community partners, the event was another example of a successful partnership between the public and private sectors. Elements of success include increased public transit ridership, a transit-focused parking system, and dedicated and hardworking maintenance and safety crews. Future focus will include consideration of temporary CSLs, temporary permit approvals, more dynamic parking rates and technology, and increased transit services to reduce traffic and congestion.

There was significant public comment and discussion between City staff, Council, and Sundance Institute representatives regarding traffic impacts in Old Town neighborhoods, as well as the presence of ride share companies, like Lyft and Uber, in Park City. Council asked that staff return in a work session to further discuss transportation mitigation.
2019 Sundance Debrief Staff Report
Exhibit A: Sundance Film Festival Background
Exhibit C: Sundance 2019 Staff Analysis and Community Feedback
Exhibit C.1: Feedback from Community Members
Exhibit D: Sundance Commitment to Community Priorities




Council approved the following new business items:

  • Resolution 10-2019, proclaiming the month of June as "Park City High School Marching Band Month.” Park City High School’s marching band was selected to participate in the parade in Normandy for its 75th anniversary of D-Day.
    PCHS Marching Band Resolution


  • Staff provided an update regarding the 3Kings Water Treatment Plant Project to Council, and sought Council’s authorization to proceed with the public notification process for the demolition of the existing Spiro Water Treatment Plant and Parks/Golf Maintenance Facility, which is located at 1884 Three Kings Drive. There was a discussion regarding project cost and how that might affect golf fees in the future, as well as the timing and construction of this project.
    3KWTP Staff Report

    Proposed 3KWTP Staging Area - PCMC Golf Course


The Park City Housing Authority approved a mitigation plan to fulfill the affordable housing obligation generated by the Kings Crown at Park City project. This plan would, after obtaining public input, remove income restriction on the attainable units that are part of the project.
Kings Crown Staff Report
Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments to the Housing Mitigation Plan
Exhibit B: Draft Action Letter
Exhibit D: Building B Floor Plans



  • City Council: 6/6, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall
  • Planning Commission: 6/12, 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
  • City Council: 6/20, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall



Interested in tuning in to listen to the 5/29 Council meeting in its entirety? Visit the following link to access audio from the meeting. Audio from Park City Council meetings is now offered with closed captioning.

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This is an unofficial summary of the meeting. To read the official minutes; please visit the meetings page on the city's website. Minutes are posted once they are approved.


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