New "Story to Stage" Event Brings Books Alive
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson is a beloved graphic novel for youth. Youth ages 9-12 are invited to sign up for the libary's new event, "Story to Stage," which will bring this book to a life with a theatrical skit. The event will be held on March 16th from 3pm-5pm. To sign up, please email [email protected] or call 435-615-5600.

This event is designed in a workshop-style where attendees will brainstorm through plots, characters, and lines that will be used in the short skit at the end of the event. Each attendee will receive a copy to read in advance if possible.  The library is excited to have the workshop led by Egyptian YouTheatre Artistic Director, Jamie Wilcox. 
Can't attend?

If your child can't attend, consider having them join the library's Youth Graphic Novel Book Club. In this book club, attendees read comics, manga, and graphic novels that appeal to them and share with the group and get an idea of what to read next!  The club meets next on April 2nd and May 7th at 6pm. 
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